Moby-Dick + “Call Me Maybe” = ?

Despite the solid C vocals, I give this “Call Me Maybe” parody video“Call Me Ishmael”—an A for effort.

The lyrics of “Call Me Maybe” lend themselves startlingly well to the plot of Moby-Dick… or maybe this was just very cleverly written. In any case, here are a few of my favorite lines:

From the chorus (version 1):

Hey, I just met you
And you look crazy
But there’s a white whale
So call me Ishmael

It’s hard to harpoon
Cetaceans matey
But there’s a white whale
So call me Ishmael

From the chorus (version 2):

Hey, I just met you
And you look crazy
But there’s a white whale
So call me Ishmael

And all the other boats
Try to warn me
But there’s a white whale
So call me Ishmael

From the bridge:

Moby comes into our sight
From hell’s heart we’ll stab
From hell’s heart we’ll stab
At he we’ll stab, stab, stab

In other (not) news, I am an easy shot for any and all cross-pairings of classic literature and pop culture. The witty allusions! The peg legs! The catchy melodies! The beloved characters reimagined as Fight Club members!

May they live long as hashtags, and then some.